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S3 "files" operations with aiobotocore.



aios3.file.chunks async

chunks(bucket: str, key: str, amt: Optional[int] = None, s3: Optional[AioBaseClient] = None) -> AsyncGenerator[bytearray, None]

Generate file chunks amt bytes max.

Args: bucket: S3 bucket. key: path in the bucket including "file name". amt: max number of bytes to read in one chunk. by default read file as one chunk. s3: boto s3 client. by default it auto-created inside the function.

Return: Chunks of the file. async

read(bucket: str, key: str, amt: Optional[int] = None, s3: Optional[AioBaseClient] = None) -> bytes

Read the full content of the file as bytes.

Args: bucket: S3 bucket. key: path in the bucket including "file name". amt: max number of bytes to read in one chunk. by default read all. s3: boto s3 client. by default it auto-created inside the function.

Return: The file content as bytes. async

save(bucket: str, key: str, body: bytes, s3: Optional[AioBaseClient] = None) -> None

Create the file with the body.

Args: bucket: S3 bucket. key: path in the bucket including "file name". body: content to write into file. s3: boto s3 client. by default it auto-created inside the function. async

stream(bucket: str, key: str, amt: Optional[int] = None, s3: Optional[AioBaseClient] = None) -> IO[bytes]

Create file-like object to stream the file content.

Args: bucket: S3 bucket. key: path in the bucket including "file name". amt: max number of bytes to read in one chunk. by default read file as one chunk. s3: boto s3 client. by default it auto-created inside the function.

Return: Python file stream with the file content.